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Department of Biological Sciences

General Directory

Kristen Hogan

Title: Instructional Faculty
Lab Coordinator
Department: Biological Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-777-3689
Office: Sumwalt 318
Kristen Hogan Profile Picture


  • BIOL 101 (Biological Principles I)
  • BIOL 101L (Biological Principles I Laboratory)
  • BIOL 202 (Infectious Diseases, Human Health, and Ethics)
  • BIOL 203 (Exploration of Infectious Diseases)
  • BIOL 303 (Fundamental Genetics)
  • BIOL 303L (Fundamental Genetics Laboratory)

Study abroad program: learn about infectious diseases and health in Switzerland in summer 2025!

Watch an overview of the program and a logistics guide to learn more about the program.


Impact of the gut microbiota on tumor development using mouse models of colorectal cancer.

Mouse Experimentation and Gnotobiotic Core Supervisor:  manages the maintenance and care of mice under germ-free conditions, carries out experiments for various labs at the University of South Carolina. 


Larsen, K. M., Minaya, M. K., Vaish, V., & Peña, M. (2018). The Role of IL-33/ST2 Pathway in Tumorigenesis. International journal of molecular sciences, 19(9), 2676. doi:10.3390/ijms19092676.

Steffen, M. M., Dearth, S. P., Dill, B. D., Li, Z., Larsen, K. M., Campagna, S. R., & Wilhelm, S. W. (2014). Nutrients drive transcriptional changes that maintain metabolic homeostasis but alter genome architecture in Microcystis. The ISME journal, 8(10), 2080-92.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
