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Department of Anthropology

Current Graduate Students

Welcome to the information resource page for current graduate anthropology students. The information below includes professional associations, research funding, examples of research of current and past graduate students, the rotation of required courses, research funding, and a variety of other useful information.

Professional Associations

American Anthropological Association (AAA): link


  • American Ethnological Society (AES): link
  • Archaeology Division (AD): link
  • Association for Feminist Anthropology (AFA): link
  • Association for Black Anthropologists (ABA): link
  • Biological Anthropology Section (BAS): link
  • Society for Cultural Anthropology (SCA): link
  • Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA): link
  • Society for Linguistic Anthropology (SLA): link
  • Society for Economic Anthropology (SEA): link
  • Society for the Anthropology of North America (SANA): link
  • Society for Visual Anthropology (SVA): link
  • American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA): link
  • Canadian Anthropology Society / La Soicété Candadienne D'Antropologie (CASCA): link
  • International Gender and Language Association (IGALA): link
  • International Pragmatics Association (IPrA): link
  • Linguistic Society of America (LSA): link
  • Paleopathology Association (PPA): link
  • Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA): link
  • Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA): link
  • Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA): link
  • Southeastern Archaeology Conference (SEAC): link

Research Funding

  • Fulbright Scholar Program: link
  • Fulbright-Hays Programs: link 
  • Institute for Humane Studies: link
  • The Leaky Foundation: link
  • National Science Foundation: link
  • Research Institute for the Study of Man: link
  • SIGMA XI: The Scientific Research Honor Society: link
  • Wenner-Gren Foundation: link
  • Graduate Awards: link
  • Graduate Award Recipients: link

Research of Current and Past Graduate Students (coming soon)


Rotation of Required Courses

Fall 2020
  • All Students: ANTH 703
  • Arch: ANTH 720
  • Ling: ANTH 747
Spring 2021
  • All Students: ANTH 711
  • Bio: ANTH 762
  • Ling: ANTH 782
Fall 2021
  • All Students: ANTH 703
  • Arch: ANTH 745
Spring 2022
  • Cul: ANTH 730
  • Ling: ANTH 748
Fall 2022
  • All Students: ANTH 703
  • Arch: ANTH 720
  • Ling: ANTH 747
Spring 2023
  • All Students: ANTH 711
  • Bio: ANTH 762
  • Ling: ANTH 780
Fall 2023
  • All Students: ANTH 703
  • Arch: ANTH 745
Spring 2024
  • Cul: ANTH 730
  • Ling: ANTH 748
Fall 2024
  • All Students: ANTH 703
  • Arch: ANTH 720
  • Ling: ANTH 747
Spring 2025
  • All Students: ANTH 711
  • Bio: ANTH 762
  • Ling: ANTH 780
Fall 2025
  • All Students: ANTH 703
  • Arch: ANTH 745
Spring 2026
  • Cul: ANTH 730
  • Ling: ANTH 748
Fall 2026
  • All Students: ANTH 703
  • Arch: ANTH 720
  • Ling: ANTH 747

Useful Information

  • Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Training: link
    • free, online course on ethical treatment of Human Subjects and Institutional Review Boards
  • Doctoral Degree Progress: link
  • Forensic Science and Investigation Scholarships (2021-2022); link
    • includes scholarships for other topics and/or links leading to scholarships for other topics
  • Opportunities for Undergraduate and Early-Stage Graduate Students: link
  • Univeristy of South Carolina Electronic Research Administration system (USCeRA): link
  • USC Anthropology Department Mentoring Resources and Plan: link
  • USC Health Insurance Requirement: link
  • Travel Request Form: link
  • Anthropology Graduate Handbook 2023 - 2024: link

Travel Reimbursement Information for Students: pdf

  • Student Reimbursement Form (general expenses): pdf
  • Form 27: Contract for Summer Research/Field Practicum: pdf
  • Form 29: Request for Conference/Research Travel: pdf
  • Meals per Diem: pdf
  • Travel Advance Form: pdf
01 - Masters Program of Study: pdf
02 - Thesis Proposal (on letterhead): pdf
03 - Masters Comprehensive Exam Verification: pdf
04 - Thesis Committee and Topic (on letterhead): pdf
05 - Approval of Thesis Topic (on letterhead): pdf
06 - 799 Contract | Theses Writing: pdf
07 - Thesis Signature and Approval: pdf
08 - Doctoral Degree Program of Study: pdf
09 - Research Skills: pdf
10 - Doctoral Committee Membership and Appointment Request: pdf
11 - Doctoral Comprehensive Exam / Committee Evaluation of Annotated Bibliographies and Essays: pdf
12 - Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Verification: pdf
13 - Dissertation Proposal / Qualifying Exam: pdf
14 - Doctoral Qualifying Exam Verifiation: pdf
15 - 899 Contract | Dissertation Preparation and Writing: pdf
16 - Doctoral Student Annual Progress Report: pdf
17 - Dissertation Signature and Approval: pdf
18 - Request for Special Enrollment ( Z Status): pdf
19 - Advisory Worksheet: pdf
19 - Advisory Worksheet MA Professional Track: pdf
20 - Degree or Certificate: pdf
21 - Request for Adjustment in Graduate Program: pdf
22 - Request for Concurrent Enrollment within the Same Discipline: pdf
23 - Colloquium Evaluation: pdf
24 - Time Card: pdf
25 - Independent Study: pdf
26 - Graduate School Year End Assessment: pdf
27 - Instructions for AND Contract for Summer Research/Field Practicum: pdf
28 - Fieldwork Verification: pdf
29 - Request for Conference/Research Travel: pdf
30 - Travel Grant Award Instructions: pdf
31 - 699 Contract | Readings and Research: pdf
32 - 797 Contract | Readings and Research: pdf
33 - 798 Contract | Research Practicum: pdf

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
