Research News
We celebrate the accomplishments of our scholars, such as Yu-Hsien Sung, whose work has garnered international attention and funding from the NSF and other agencies.
We value asking big-picture questions that address major issues in political science. We employ innovative research methods to enrich our scholarship and teaching. Students at all levels can engage in research within a collaborative community of leading scholars.
Our faculty specialize in subfields such as spatial analysis, qualitative methods, causal inference and field experiments. In recent years faculty members have produced new insights into topics as varied as:
The department is heavily invested in collaborative research, and scholars frequently pursue projects with their undergraduate and especially graduate students.
We celebrate the accomplishments of our scholars, such as Yu-Hsien Sung, whose work has garnered international attention and funding from the NSF and other agencies.
As a graduate student, you can shape your curricula to your interests in areas such as American and comparative politics, international relations, political theory, public law and public policy.