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College of Education

Faculty and Staff

Kathleen M.W. Cunningham, Ph.D.

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Leadership, Learning Design, and Inquiry
College of Education
Phone: 803-777-4213
Office: Wardlaw 308
Kathleen M.W. Cunningham, Ph.D.


Ph.D. Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, The University of Iowa
M.Ed., Education, Cardinal Stritch University
B.A., Communication Studies, Marquette University


Kathleen Mary Winn Cunningham is an assistant professor of Leadership, Learning Design, and Inquiry in the Wardlaw College of Education at the University of South Carolina. Prior to her doctoral studies at the University of Iowa, she was a middle school teacher in Wisconsin. After earning her Ph.D. in educational leadership and policy studies, she served as a postdoctoral research associate for the University Council for Educational Administration at the University of Virginia.

Research Interests/Expertise

  • School leadership preparation
  • Improvement science
  • Content specific leadership (with special attention to leadership for science)
  • Program evaluation

Selected Publications/Conference Presentations

Young, M.D., Winn, K.M., & Reedy, M.A. (2017). The Every Student Succeeds Act: Strengthening the Focus on Educational Leadership. Educational Administration Quarterly, 0, 1-22. doi: 10.1177/0013161X17735871

Winn, K.M., Anderson, E., Groth, C., Korach, S., Pounder, D., Rorrer, A., & Young, M.D. (2016). A deeper look: INSPIRE data demonstrates quality in educational leadership preparation. Charlottesville, VA: UCEA.

Anderson, E., Winn, K.M., Groth, C., Korach, S., Pounder, D., Rorrer, A., & Young, M.D. (2017). Examining university leadership preparation: An analysis of program attributes and practices. Journal of Research on Leadership Education.
doi: 10.1177/1942775117735873

Hollingworth, L., Olsen, D., Asikin-Garmager, A., & Winn, K.M. (2017). Initiating Conversations and Opening Doors: How Principals Establish a Positive Building Culture to Sustain School Improvement Efforts. Journal of Educational Management Administration & Leadership, doi: 10.1177/1741143217720461

Winn, K.M., Choi, K., & Hand, B. (2016). Cognitive language and content standards: Language inventory of the Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 4(4) 319-339. 
doi: 10.18404/ijemst.26330

Selected Presentations

Winn, K.M., Young, M.D., Eddy Spicer, D.H., Sanzo, K.S. Supporting Leadership Preparation Programs in Redesign Efforts Using Improvement Science. Roundtable session at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY (April, 2018).

Winn, K.M. & Lochmiller, C. Subject-Specific Leadership: What the Literature Implies for Consideration in Preparation and Development. Roundtable session at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY (April, 2018).

VanGronigen, B.A.*, Winn, K.M., Young, M.D. It’s More than Managing: Preparing Future ‘Inclusive-Facilitative’ Educational Leaders. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. (November, 2017).

Winn, K.M. Self-Efficacy’s Influence in Elementary Science Instructional Leadership: Preparing for the Implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX (April, 2017).

Winn, K.M. Predicting Science Leadership Behaviors for the NGSS: The Influence of Principals’ Background, Context, and Self-Efficacy. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration Annual Meeting, Detroit, MI. (November, 2016).

Selected Awards

2016 David L. Clark Scholar

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