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My Arts and Sciences

Advising Technologies

USC utilizes a variety of advising tools and technologies to help both students and their advisors create an academic plan. The main tools and what they are primarily used for are highlighted below. Have questions about any of these advising technologies? Check out the   Advising Help Videos and Printable Resources link to find helpful videos and resources on topics related to academic advising and/or registration.

EAB Navigate is utilized as the primary scheduling platform and academic advising appointments, as well as for nearly two dozen student service offices around campus.  

Students will primarily use EAB Navigate to schedule appointments with their academic advisors. Refer to this video to find out how to schedule an appointment:  

DegreeWorks aids students and advisors in monitoring student progress toward degree completion and assists students in choosing the most appropriate courses to fulfill degree requirements. 

DegreeWorks also allows users to run What If and Look Ahead scenarios to both show how projected courses will apply to a student’s major and apply a student’s course history to another program of study. 

Learn more about Degreeworks, and to find a short instructional video on how to use the DegreeWorks Planner. 

Self Service Carolina is USC’s primary resource for students and faculty. This website has resources for almost every part of being a student, including academics, employment, and financial and personal needs. For academic needs, students will use Self Service Carolina to review their transcript, calculate their GPA, register for classes, and much more.  

There are many walkthrough videos to help students navigate Self Service Carolina. Check out the links below to find helpful videos on viewing registration status, finding your academic transcript, and registering for courses:  


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