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College of Education

Faculty and Staff

Devin Randolph, Ph.D.

Title: Clinical Assistant Professor
Department: Teacher Education | Leadership, Learning Design, and Inquiry
College of Education
Phone: 803-777-4265
Devin Randolph, Ph.D.


Devin Randolph earned his Ph.D. in Foundations of Education from the University of South Carolina.

Masters of Publication Administration (Social Policy and Education), Cornell University-Ithaca New York 
Bachelor of Science in Management, Claflin University 

Course Information

Devin teaches EDFI 747: Critical Race Theory, EDEL 305: Nature and Classroom Management, EDFI 300: Schools in Communities, EDEL 306: Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy for the Elementary Classrooms 


Devin studies the everyday experiences of targeted youth and systemic inequities. His research includes work with Jewish and African American-understanding the historical alliance, divergence and convergence and contours of Racism and Racial Antisemitism. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
