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My Law School

Student Handbook

The Student Handbook contains the policies and procedures that all students at the Law School are required to observe as well as information on the wide range of services and activities offered at the Law School. All Law School students are expected to familiarize themselves with these policies and procedures.

  1. Introduction
  2. USC Joseph F. Rice School of Law Building and Facilities
      1. Building Operating Hours and Security
      2. Building Use Policies
      3. Parking
      4. No Smoking Policy
      5. Law Library
      6. Commons Area Computer Workstations and Printer
      7. Policy on Minors' Presence at the Law School Campus
      8. Lockers and Mailboxes
      9. Lost and Found
  3. Degree Requirements
      1. Credit for All First-Year Courses
      2. Upper-Level Credit Hour Requirements
      3. Upper-Level Course Requirements
      4. Passing Grade in 90 Semester Hours of Course Work; Effect of F
      5. Cumulative Grade Point Average of Not Less than 2.200
      6. Satisfaction of the Residency Requirement
      7. Completion of Course Study for Degree Requirement
  4. Law School Credit for Course Work
      1. Add/Drop/Withdrawal Date
      2. Auditing
      3. Class Attendance
      4. Completion of Course Work at Another ABA/AALS Approved Law School
      5. Co-curricular Activities
      6. Credit Hour Policy
      7. Outside Employment While Enrolled as a “Full Time Student”
      8. Pass/Fail Grading
      9. Summer School
      10. Supervised Legal Research
      11. Transfer Students
      12. University Courses Outside the Law School
      13. Combination- and Dual-Degree Programs
      14. Children's Law Concentration Program
  5. Probation and Dismissal for Failure to Meet Academic Requirements
  6. Student Petitions
      1. Readmission after Academic Dismissal
      2. Petitions to Academic Responsibility Committee Concerning Readmissions After Academic Dismissal
      3. Academic Forgiveness
      4. Withdrawal or Leave of Absence from Law School
      5. Readmission after Withdrawal or Leave of Absence
      6. Postponement of Examinations and Papers
      7. Waiver of Graduation Requirements
      8. Waiver of the 10% Attendance Requirement
      9. Hardship Admission to Courses
      10. Approval of Course Credit
      11. Other Petitions
      12. Non-Academic Complaint Procedure
  7. Honor Code and Disciplinary Procedures
      1. Definitions
      2. Honor Code
      3. Disciplinary Procedures
      4. Provisions on Arrest Reporting
      5. Student Professionalism Code
  8. Student/Faculty Relations
      1. Student-Faculty Compact
      2. Faculty Teaching Responsibility
      3. Classroom Computer Usage
      4. Grading
      5. Student Evaluations of Faculty
      6. Student Grievance Procedures
      7. Student Participation in the Governance of the Law School Under the Faculty By-Laws
      8. Notification of Student Rights Under FERPA
  9. Student Services
      1. Student Affairs
      2. Career and Professional Development
      3. Registrar and Academic Services
      4. Pro Bono Program
      5. Accommodations and Disability Services
      6. Accademic Success
  10. Co-curricular Activities and Student Organizations
      1. Academic Journals
      2. Academic Intramural Competition Teams
      3. Non-Academic Student Organizations
  11. Student Awards, Special Scholarships, and Honorary Societies
      1. Student Awards
      2. Honorary Societies
      3. Non-Academic Student organizations

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
