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Joseph F. Rice School of Law

  • Students talking in the Courtyard

Judicial Observation and Experience (JOE) Program

The Judicial Observation and Experience (JOE) Program provides internships (generally for two weeks) for students during the summer with members of South Carolina’s state trial and appellate courts as well as federal judiciary.

Program Overview

Students often sit on the bench with the judge and observe the court’s daily routine and court proceedings.  In addition, students have the opportunity to discuss their observations with their judge in chambers. Judges also may ask the students to perform legal research or draft orders or other documents that a law clerk might perform. 

Approximately 130 judges, including the SC Supreme Court, SC Court of Appeals, circuit, family, master-in-equity, administrative, and probate judges, participate annually in the JOE Program. Judges enjoy the interaction with students and believe the program to be a very helpful learning experience for both. Students who complete the program requirements receive the JOE 403 Trial Experience credit. Since the summer of 2005, more than 2300 students have participated in this invaluable experience.

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