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College of Nursing


Current Funding

PI/Co-PI Grant Agency Amount
Abshire, Demetrius  Developing a Lifestyle Intervention to Reduce Body Weight for Obese African American Men Living in the Rural South NIH/NIMHD $739,328
Adams, Swann  South Carolina Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention & Health Promotion (NCCDPHP)/CDC/HHS $71,711
Adams, Swann  Advance care planning and end of life in cognitively impaired older adults Clemson University/Alzheimer's Association $17,999
Andrews, Jeannette Nursing Faculty Fellows Pipeline Pilot Program SC Research Foundation/Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina $1,517,180
Andrews, Jeannette Nursing Leadership Training SC DHEC $122,400
Baliko, Beverly Health Occupations Providing Excellence in Workforce Wellness and Resilience HRSA/HHS $41,425
Chappell, Kate
Davis, Victoria (Co-Is)
Preschool Development Grant: MIX EC: Multi-Systems Inclusion Expansion for Early Childhood SC Department of Social Services (DSS) $41,206
Chappell, Kate Building a Statewide System for Inclusion 2023-2024 DSS $146,403
Corbett, Cindy South Carolina Nursing Assistant Program (SCNAP) SC Department of Health & Environmental Control (DHEC)/CDC $3,186,688
Dail, Robin Central & peripheral body temperature in VLBW preterm infants during the neonatal period: Relationship to neonatal infection and necrotizing enterocolitis NIH/NINR $2,893,400
Cox, Mary Improving Access to Care: Early Identification and Treatment of Children and Adolescents in rural underserved communities with ADHD and behavioral disturbances through school-based telehealth USC Educational Foundation/The Duke Endowment $730,000
Custer, Sabra Interprofessional Education in Infection Prevention: Establishing the South Carolina Regional Infection Prevention Training (SCRIPT) Center Prisma Health/CDC $34,930
Custer, Sabra South Carolina HIV/AIDS Clinical Training Center/Vanderbilt Vanderbilt University/HRSA/HHS $9,815
Dail, Robin Central & Peripheral Body Temperature in VLBW Preterm Infants During the Neonatal Period:  Relationship to Neonatal Infection and Necrotizing Enterocolitis National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)/NIH $2,893,400
Dail, Robin The Role of Autonomic Regulation of Attention in the Emergence of ASD National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)/NIH $39,982
Dail, Robin
(PI) Warren, Karen
Exploring the impact of neonatal transport on the health of Black preterm infants and psychosocial challenges faced by parents in relation to social determinants of socioeconomic and racial inequities NINR/NIH $34,104
Dawson, Robin (PI) Heiney, Sue (Mentor) A Patient-Centered Asthma Management Communication Intervention for Rural Latino Children NIH/NHLBI  $722,424
Dawson, Robin (co-I) South Carolina's Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among Populations at High-Risk and Underserved, Including Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations and Rural Communities SC DHEC/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention $123,508
Dawson, Robin
Barron, Mia (PI)
Assessing and Improving Communication Among African American Individuals with Lupus University of Rochester/Lupus Foundation of America $4,000
Dawson, Robin The ITALIC Study: Integrating Telemedicine and At-home evaLuatIon to  Catalyze early detection among rural and minority south carolinians USC Educational Foundation/The Duke Endowment $40,727
Dawson, Robin
Barron, Mia (PI)
Assessing and Improving Communication Strategies Among African American Individuals with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Rheumatology Research Foundation $15,000
Donevant, Sara Using Infrared Thermography and Artificial Intelligence to Detect Tissue Damage Below the Skin South Carolina Research Authority (SCRA) $15,000
Donevant, Sara
Clement, Sarah (PI)
A Portable Account of Student Skills (PASS) for Competency Assessment and Skill Remediation SCRA $10,000
Donevant, Sara Demonstration of the Connected Asset at Lexington Medical Center SCRA $100,000
Everhart, Kayla Evaluation of a blood warming device for packed red blood cell transfusions to decrease hypothermia in very preterm infants The Gerber Foundation $327,097
Felder, Tisha
Liese, Angela  (PI)
Faculty Initiative for Improved Recruitment, Retention, and Experience (FIIRRE) National Cancer Institute (NCI)/NIH $13,193,018
Felder, Tisha It Takes a Village: Increasing Capacity for Breast/Chest Feeding Equity among African Americans Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) $234,363
Gibbs, Shelli Expanding an APRN Practice Training Partnership in South Carolina HRSA/HHS $657,927
Herbert, Laura Rural Health Research Center Program HRSA/HHS $10,067
Magwood, Gayenell S. South Carolina Clinical & Translational Research Institute Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)/NCATS/NIH $86,031
Magwood, Gayenell S. (PI) Improving the Collaborative Health of Minority COVID‐19 Survivor & Carepartner Dyads Through Interventions Targeting Social and Structural Health Inequities NIH/NINR $2,279,619
Magwood, Gayenell S. South Carolina Clinical & Translational Research Institute Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)/NCATS/NIH $78,436
Magwood, Gayenell S.
Scott, Jewel
Characterizing the influence of COVID-19, Racial Trauma, and Social Networks on CV Health Factors among young Black women in the South NINR/NIH $402,922
McDonnell, Karen  Dyad-based Multiple Behavior Intervention for Reducing Lung Cancer Symptoms ACS MRSG $727,000
Pinto, Bernardine Peer Coaching for Physical Activity Promotion among Breast Cancer Survivors: Adapting an Efficacious Intervention to Prepare for Implementation NIH/NCI $1,168,749
Raynor, Phyllis
Corbett, Cynthia
P.A.R.E.N.T.S.S. Project (Parents Adopting Recovery Management through New Technology for Self-Care and Support (for Mothers) NIH/NIDA $881,355
Tavakoli, Abbas,
Jackson, Benjamin (PI)
Teriparatide Stress Fracture Recovery for Returning to Duty (Teriparatide: STRONG) DOD $2,958,862
Wickersham, Karen; Adams, Swann; Felder, Tisha; Heiney, Sue Disparities in Utilization of Oral Targeted Therapies for Treatment of Lung, Colorectal, and Breast Cancer among Adults Living in South Carolina Oncology Nursing Foundation $98,378
Wickersham, Karen; Felder, Tisha;  Murillo, Crystal Addressing Disparities in Cancer for African American Men in South Carolina: A Train-the-Trainer Program South Carolina Cancer Alliance $4,957
Wirth, Michael
Herbet, James, Hofseth, Lorne & Murphy, Angela
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Investigating Metabolic Dysregulation in Obese Parent and Child Dyads and Risk of Colorectal Cancer NIH $5,000,000
Wirth, Michael
Violanti, J & Burch, J. (PIs)
Atypical Work Hours and Adaptation in Law Enforcement:  Targets for Disease Prevention - Subcontract with the Research Foundation for SUNY on behalf of University of Buffalo NIJ $378,963
Wright, Pamela J. Biopsychosocial factors among women with and without chronic pelvis pain: a pilot study of the vaginal microbiome, 
ovarian hormones, and interpersonal relationships.
ACORN $20,000
Wright, Pamela J. Resistance exercise with peer support for women with PCOS using a smart home video device: Feasibility study guided by self-determination theory. Phase II. ASPIRE $14,980
Wright, Pamela J. Biopsychosocial perspectives and healthcare concerns and needs among peri-postmenopausal Excellence women with 
PCOS: A qualitative study.
Sigma Global Excellence $5,000


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