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College of Nursing

  • study abroad students

Global Nursing Education

During study abroad, nursing students have opportunities to learn about different health systems and cultural competence and are able to practice their scope of practice with a diverse patient  population. 

Where can I study abroad?

There are multiple options for you to study abroad. Mostly it depends on where you are in satisfying your required curriculum. Your student advisor and the study abroad office can assist you in determining what options are for you.  

Begin the process

Step 1: Sign up and attend an education abroad advising workshop.

Step 2: Schedule 1:1 appointment with education abroad advisor, Marci Heidt, via EAB Naviage.

Step 3: Decide on a program.

Step 4: Contact your College of Nursing academic advisor.

  • July 1: Education Abroad application opens
  • September 1: CON Education Abroad Contract to academic advisor
    • In this order: students signs, academic advisor & assistant dean sign, education abroad advisor signs, returned to academic advisor
  • September 15: Meet with academic advisor to discuss courses by this date. Education abroad advisor provides the course list, academic advisor finalizes/approves courses
  • October 1: Education Abroad application due
  • November 1: Education Abroad Approval Form due (form downloaded from application portal)
  • January 15: Education Abroad application opens
  • March 1: Education Abroad application due
  • March 15: Meet with academic advisor to discuss courses by this date. Education abroad advisor provides the course list, academic advisor finalizes/approves courses
  • April 1: Education Abroad Approval Form due (form downloaded from application portal)
Are There Nursing Courses Abroad? 

Each spring we offer N590, Special Topics in International Nursing and Healthcare, a Transcultural Nursing course to Germany or the Netherlands.

Meet the expert

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
