Dr. Bernardine Pinto, Principal Investigator
- Oversees the overall scientific integrity of the study
- Oversees the conduct of research is in accordance with federal regulations and university
and sponsoring agency policies and procedures
- Provides oversight to all aspects of the study
- Ensures compliance with IRB policies and procedures
Dr. Sheryl Mitchell, Co-Investigator
- Provides guidance on participants’ eligibility for the study
- Provides guidance on all medical issues that might arise with study participants
- Assists with study recruitment efforts
Dr. Madison Kindred, Project Coordinator
- Assist PI in maintaining the overall scientific integrity of the study
- Supervises daily operations of the study
- Oversees coach and participant recruitment
- Ensures protocols are followed during coach and participant recruitment and data collection
- Serves as liaison with partner community organizations
Sahar Desai, BS, Research Assistant
- Assist PI in maintaining the overall scientific integrity of the study
- Carries out daily operations of the study
- Assist with coordinating coach and participant recruitment
- Ensures protocols are followed during coach and participant recruitment and data collection
Dr. Tori DeScenza, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
- Assist PI in maintaining the overall scientific integrity of the study
- Assists with daily operations of the study
- Ensures protocols are followed during coach and participant recruitment and data collection
- Serves as liaison with partner community organizations
Shira Dunsiger, PhD, Co-Investigator
- Brown University, Center for Health Promotion and Health Equity
Chris Breault, BS, Data Systems Analyst